The office of examination in Santhigiri College is working under the guidelines of MG University for the affiliated colleges. The office is under the control of the Chief Superintendent / Principal, assisted by the Senior Asst. of examination, and various members in the examination committee. The prime responsibility of the Office of Examinations is to conduct examinations systematically as per the exam schedule and notification from MG University. The examination procedures are strictly conducted as per the norms of MG University and based on examination policies. The office is concerned about the answer scripts of the students, internal mark submission by the teachers, hall tickets, and other relevant documents related to university rules and regulations.
Public Relations Officer (PRO) in Santhigiri college assists the students and works with parents and various groups within the college. PRO distribute newsletters containing information about campus events, build and maintain ties with alumni, faculties, staff, and students. PR uses the editorial space to communicate an institutional message through various media and educate the public in general, about the value provided by the institution. The programs are offered by the college to encourage and promote, especially for the betterment of differentially-abled students as much as possible.
The Public Information Officer is responsible for developing strategic communications and marketing plans for the College and coordinates its implementation with the Principal and Management. PIO has to manage the production of publications and information also has to respond to inquiries from students and the general public or direct them to the appropriate source. The other duties of the PIO are to manage the press conferences, conduct student surveys to determine the best advertising methods to meet the target audience and prepare the annual reports of the College.