Under SCOP (Santhigiri College Outreach Program) we are conducting CBR projects in 10 Panchayats. As part of this project we had more than 90 SHGs (Self Help Groups) and 100 self employment schemes. We have completed our novel project of Barrier-free housing for 250 persons with disabilities. Physiotherapy and speech therapy are conducted at the houses of the CwD. During the pandemic period food kits, hygiene kits, medicines etc. were distributed. As part of CBR programs we conduct medical camps, surgical corrections, supply of artificial appliances, wheelchairs, awareness generation programs etc.
We have been conducting webinars and conference on issues related disability and rehabilitation. We have supplied ring composts to all the families in Parakadavu colony and fruit plants to the interested families. Santhigiri College had adopted this colony for their welfare activities and to create social responsibility among out students. We have signed an MOU with Divyarakshalayam, Mylacompu, an institution for mentally ill and orphan children. Our MSW students do their field work in our CBR projects. Our Social Worker two health workers enthusiastically perform this service with students’ participation.