Santhisoft Technologies is a software product development company established in Santhigiri College in 2005 focusing on customized software solutions. This is the R & D wing of Santhigiri College and engages in Application Development. This is functioning as a live lab for the students. Santhisoft offers different types of online trainings and supports student projects. Along with project assistance Santhisoft Academy offers internship programs to students of BSc/MSc Computer Science, BCA, MCA and Engineering. Santhisoft is one of the best web development company offering well designed and responsive E-Commerce websites for all types of enterprises. It is also a reputed web application development company. During the coming years we plan to expand and explore the activities of Santhisoft Technologies, a unique feature of Santhigiri College. Persons with Disabilities (PwD) are differently abled. We measure their capacities scientifically and direct them with suitable choices. Courses, training programs and jobs are selected according their capabilities. Santhisoft is a software firm and R & D wing of Santhigiri College started to employ differently abled students with IT skills. Joby K John, a wheelchair user is one of our great success stories, who after completing MCA in Santhigiri College was the team leader of Santhisoft for many years and now employed in a software company with more than Rs. 60000 monthly salary.
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